宮島の表参道商店街の入り口 にある「やまだ屋 宮島本店」で は、もみじ饅頭の手焼き体験(予 約制)が楽しめる。所要時間は 約30分。金型に生地を流し入れ たり、焦がさないようにひっくり 返したり。気分はお菓子職人! At“Yamadaya Miyajima Honten”, located at the entrance of Omotesando shopping street in Miyajima, you can enjoy a hands-on experience of baking Momiji-manju with reservation. The experience takes about 30 minutes. First, you pour the dough into the mold and turn it over a few times, and then you can create your own handmade island specialty, Momiji manjyu. This activity is an excellent opportunity to feel like a confectioner. Hands on experience of baking Momiji-manju Hatsukaichi 手焼き体験(Hands on experience of baking Momiji manjyu) 平日(weekdays)10:30/13:00/14:15/15:30 土・日曜日、祝日(Sat,Sun, national holidays)9:45/11:00/13:00/14:15/15:30 21 廿 日 市 もみ じ饅 頭の 手焼 きに 挑戦