
迷路のような路地を抜け、坂 道を上って千光寺公園へ。頂 上展望台から、瀬戸内の多島 美を愛でよう。坂を下りたら レンタサイクルを借りて、本 州と四国を結ぶ「しまなみ海 道」を快走してみては。 Explore the maze-like alleys and ascend the hill to Senkoji Park, and you can take in the breathtaking beauty of the Seto Inland Sea and its scattered islands from the observatory at the summit. After descending the hill, rent a bicycle to ride along the picturesque Shimanami Kaido, which connects Honshu and Shikoku, and enjoy the stunning coastal scenery. Panoramic view of the Seto Inland Sea and its beautiful islands scattered throughout 桜の名所 千光寺公園 Stunning cherry blossoms at Senkoji Park Onomichi しまなみ海道でサイクリング The Shimanami Kaido cycling road 31 尾 道 眼下 に広 がる 瀬戸 内 の多 島美