
東広島市西条は、日本三大名醸地 と呼ばれる酒どころ。JR西条駅を 起点に、7つの蔵元が集まる「酒蔵 通り」を歩いてみよう。林立する赤 れんがの煙突、赤瓦の屋根と白壁 が織りなす景観は風情たっぷり。 酒の仕込み時期には、ほのかに甘 い酒の香が漂ってくることも。 Saijo, Higashi-Hiroshima City is renowned as one of the top three sake brewing regions, boasting seven breweries located along the "Sake Brewery Street". The charming streetscape of red brick chimneys, red-tiled roofs, and white walls is steeped in history and culture. During the sake brewing season, the alluring aroma of sweet sake permeates the air, adding an extra dimension to the town’s charm. The 7 breweries tour 御茶屋跡(本陣跡)Ochaya historic site (the main lodging of the feudal lord) Higashihiroshima a 89 東 広 島 7 つ の蔵 元を 巡る