鶴乃や本店 TsurunoyaHonten

広島海鮮丼 Hiroshima “Kaisen-don”


Special Hiroshima specialties lunch for you!
Lunch at this popular Japanese restaurant features a variety of Hiroshima specialties. The lacquered container lunch filled with local delicacies such as conger eel rice, fried oysters, and small sardine tempura. Gorgeous Kaisen-don(fresh seafood & rice bowl)dish, famous for fresh catch from the Seto Inland Sea.

広島名物お重 Hiroshima-specialty lunch
Assorted sashimi with fresh raw conger eel

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop鶴乃や本店 TsurunoyaHonten
6-5 Tatemachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City
open11:30~14:00(L.O.13:30)、 17:00~23:00(L.O.22:30)
close日曜日(日・月曜日が MENU 連休の場合は月曜日が休み) / Sun
(Mon when the both are holidays)

アクセス Access


  1. チャイニーズダイニング リュウ Chinese Dining Ryu

  2. GanesH(ガネーシュ)本通店 GanesH Hondori

  3. ダイニング ルオーレ Dining LUORE

  4. ビーガン フルーツカフェ タマル VEGAN FRUITS CAFE TAMARU

  5. 肉割烹 幹の弐 天ぷら Nikukappo Kan2 Tempura

  6. KaiRyu

  7. とんかつ かつまさ Tonkatsu Katsumasa

  8. 鮨なかもと SushiNakamoto

  9. 日本料理 鯉城 Japanese Restaurant Rijoh