Hands on experience of baking Momiji-manju
At “Yamadaya Miyajima Honten”, located at the entrance of Omotesando shopping street in Miyajima, you can enjoy a hands-on experience of baking Momiji-manju with reservation. The experience takes about 30 minutes. First, you pour the dough into the mold and turn it over a few times, and then you can create your own handmade island specialty, Momiji manjyu. This activity is an excellent opportunity to feel like a confectioner.

手焼き体験(Hands on experience of baking Momiji manjyu)
平日 (weekdays) 10:30/13:00/14:15/15:30
土・日曜日、祝日 (Sat,Sun, national holidays) 9:45/11:00/13:00/14:15/15:30

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop | やまだ屋 宮島本店 Yamadaya Miyajimahonten |
address | 廿日市市宮島町835-1 835-1 Miyajimacho, Hatsukaichi City |
tel | 0829-44-0511 |
open | 9:00~18:00 |
close | 無休 / Open 365 days |
url |
アクセス Access

約20種類のもみじ饅頭や、もちっとした食感が人気の桐葉菓など、やまだ屋の全商品を販売。買い物をしながら、製造工場をガ ラス越しに見ることができる。
Factory tour while shopping
All of Yamadaya’s products, including about 20 types of Momiji manjyu and the popular Toyoka with a soft, chewy texture, are available for sale. While shopping, you can enjoy a factory tour through the glass.

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop | 早瀬庵(おおのファクトリー) Hayasean(Ono Factory) |
address | 廿日市市沖塩屋2-10-52 2-10-52 Okishioya, Hatsukaichi City |
tel | 080-3879-4871 |
open | 9:00~18:00 |
close | 無休 / Open 365 days |
url | HP |