Puddings that are a hot topic on SNS
The recommended sweet is the handmade SUZU pudding. The hard texture of the pudding and the moderately bitter espresso caramel sauce are a delicious combination that will leave you wanting more. The freshly ground coffee beans on top of the cream also add an accent.

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop | SUZU CAFE -hiroshima parco- |
address | 広島市中区本通 10-1 広島 PARCO 本館 地下 1 階 Hiroshima PARCO Honkan B1F , 10-1 Hondori , Naka-ku, Hiroshima City |
tel | 082-567-5571 |
open | 10:00~20:30 |
close | 広島 PARCO に準ずる / same as Hiroshima PARCO |