A5 wagyu engawa sushi
Wagyu Engawa Sushi, Super rare !
You can enjoy attractive dishes of fresh seasonal
ingredients from the Setouchi area. Wagyu engawa is an extremely rare part of beef, with well-balanced amount of lean meat and fat. Engawa sushi can be served because of its outstanding freshness. Karasumi, one of Japan’s three distinguished delicacies, is handmade.

Pasta with karasumi, dried mullet roe

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop | KaiRyu |
address | 広島市中区三川町10-18 下井ビル2階 Shimoi Bldg.2F,10-18Mikawacho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City |
tel | 082-247-5622 |
open | 17:00~L.O.22:00 |
close | 日曜日、祝日 / Sun, national holidays |