住宅街にあり、穏やかな空気が漂うカフェ。しっとりとやわらかい自家製マフィンは、チョコレートや抹茶など8種類を用意。こくとフルーティーな酸味のバランスが絶妙のオリジナルブレンドコーヒーと一緒にどうぞ 。
Moist & soft muffins in 8 different flavors
Located in the residential area, this cafe has a peaceful atmosphere. Moist & soft house-made muffins are available in 8 different flavors like chocolate or matcha. Have a muffin with our original-blend coffee, which has a perfect balance of richness and fruity acidity.

Bacon and egg toast with GREEN smoothie

The 広島土産
Souvenirs of Hiroshima
コーヒー / Coffee
店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop | CAFE LUSTER |
address | 広島市東区牛田早稲田 1-6-8 1-6-8 Ushitawaseda, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima City |
tel | 082-224-1110 |
open | 10:00~18:00 (土曜日 7:00~18:00) (Sat 7:00~18:00) |
close | 日曜日/Sun |