全席に鉄板を配し、熟練シェフの技と厳選素材で奏でる“五感で味わ う”料理を提供。「オマール海老と黒毛和牛コース」など、豪華食材のうま味を最大限に活かした味わいで、心まで満たされる至福の時間を。
Lively atmosphere and gorgeous ingredients
All seats are equipped with teppan griddles. Dishes can be tasted with all five senses by watching closely as a skilled chef carefully cooks selected ingredients. For example, the‘Lobster and Black Wagyu Beef Course’fully brings out the flavor of the gorgeous ingredients to completely satisfy the guests.

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop | 鉄板焼なにわ Teppanyaki NANIWA |
address | 広島市中区基町6−78 リーガロイヤルホテル広島 6F 6F,6-78 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City |
tel | 082-228-5401 |
lunch | 11:30~14:30(L.O.14:00) |
dinner | 17:30~21:00(L.O.20:00) |
close | 月曜日(祝日の場合は営業) Mon(open on national holidays) |
URL | HP |