2000年の創業以来、広島のラーメンシーンを牽引する店。看板メニューの「赤うま」は、一昼夜かけて煮出した濃厚な本格豚骨スープに、 特製辛味噌と自家製香油をプラスした革新の一杯。自家製の細麺、多彩なトッピング、有田焼のオリジナル 丼など細部までこだわり、最後の一滴まで飽きさせない。
Traditional, but innovative Tonkotsu Ramen
Gaba has been leading Ramen business in Hiroshima since its opening in 2000. The signature menu is “Aka-uma”. Pork bones are simmered for a whole day & night to be authentic broth with specially made spicy miso and aromatic-vegetable oil. House-made thin noodles make magnificent Ramen with various toppings of your choice in a custom-made porcelain bowl. Such careful attention to what is served makes customers satisfied right down to the very last drop of the broth.
The 広島土産
Souvenirs of Hiroshima
赤うま / Akauma
白うま / Shirouma