アパレルや生活雑貨を扱う「studio CLIP」併設のカフェ。サクサク生地が自慢のクロワッサンサンドは、ボリューム満点の食事系6種と、デザート系3種を用意。
9 kinds of croissant sandwiches
This cafe is attached to “Studio CLIP,” which deals in apparel and household goods. The crispy dough of the croissant sandwiches is a source of pride, and the cafe offers six types of hearty meal sandwiches and three types of dessert sandwiches.
店舗情報 Shop Infomation
shop | studio CLIP CAFE |
address | 広島市南区皆実町2-8-17 1F 1F ,2-8-17 Minamimachi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima City |
tel | 082-252-6807 |
open | 10:00~21:00 |
close | 無休 / Open 365 days |