肉汁たっぷり ほかほか肉まん
手作りの「広島肉まん」「広島肉しゅうまいが人気の店 。広島県産の霜降り豚肉や藻塩 、しょうゆなど 、地元の食材を生かしてジューシーに上げているテイクアウトでアツアツを味わってみて。
Steaming hot meat buns full of gravy
Handmade “Hiroshima meat bun” and “Hiroshima shumai meat dumpling” loved by locals. Gravy-full buns are made from Hiroshima-produced ingredients: marbled pork, algae salt and soy sauce. Why not try a steaming hot take-out?
The 広島土産
Souvenirs of Hiroshima
広島肉まん / Hiroshima meat bun
Easy shopping at any time!
Unique vending machine
その場で温かい肉まんが 食べられる!
You can have warm steamed-buns right there with
a microwave oven placed at the site.