山里の温泉・宿泊施設にあるお食事処 。尾道の旬の野菜や、瀬戸内海の新鮮な魚など、食材にこだわっている。和食から洋食までメニューが幅広いので、「今、食べたいもの」が見つかる。しょうゆベースで背脂がのった尾道ラーメンも人気。お風呂で疲れを癒やし、おいしい食事でくつろいで。
Enjoy both seafood and mountain foods
Located inside the lodging facility with a hot spring. Ingredients are carefully selected from local seasonal vegetables and fresh fish from the Seto Inland Sea. A wide variety of dishes are available from Japanese foods to Western styles. Onomichi ramen with soy sauce-based broth and seabura ( pork back fat ) is popular. Relax in hot spring and enjoy delicious meals.

JR新尾道駅から車で約25分。豊かな自然 に囲まれた天然温泉。露天風呂や遠赤高温 サウナなど、日替わりで13種類のお風呂が楽しめる。日帰り入浴はもちろん、一泊してのんびり過ごすのもおすすめ。
Relaxing Onsen Time at Onomichi Fureai no Sato
Approximately 25 minutes drive from JR Shin-Onomichi Station. Natural hot spring surrounded by rich nature. Visitors can enjoy 13 different types of baths, including an open-air bath and a far-infrared high-temperature sauna, which change daily. One-day bathing is available, and overnight stays are also recommended for a relaxing stay.

みつぎ御膳 Mitsugi set meal

The 広島土産
Souvenirs of Hiroshima
尾道ラーメン 食べ比べセット / Onomichi Ramen Eating Comparison Set
店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop | 御食事処 みつぎ Oshokujidokoro Mitsugi |
address | 尾道市御調町高尾 1369 尾道ふれあいの里 1F Onomichi Fureai no Sato 1F 1369 Takao, Mitsugicho,Onomichi City |
tel | 0848-77-0177(尾道ふれあいの里) (Onomichi Fureai no Sato) |
open | 11:00~14:00、17:00~21:00 |
close | 無 / Open 365 days |
URL | HP |