A wide variety of skewers in a high-quality space
The skewers are seasoned with different original seasonings according to the different parts of the chicken to enhance their unique characteristics. Hiroshima local chickens are matured by aging them in the restaurant to give you incredible “umami” flavor the moment you bite into them.
(ingredients vary depending on availability.)

Soboro rice (rice with minced chicken)

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop | 焼き鳥 梵ろ(ぼんろ) Yakitori Bonro |
address | 広島市中区新天地 6-10 本州会館 2 階 Honshukaikan.2F, 6-10 Shintenchi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City |
tel | 082-567-5885 |
open | 18:00~売り切れ次第終了 18:00~close when sold out |
close | 日曜日 / Sun |