新鮮な鶏肉の焼き鳥がリーズナブルに味わえる店。職人が色や音、香りで焼き上がりを見極め、ベストな状態で提供する 。中でも 、創業から続 く秘伝のタレをまとった「きも」は絶品。
Every single skewer is flavorful of chicken
Yakitor(igrilledchickenskewers)areservedataffordable prices. The yakitori chefs serve you your yakitori the best and the juiciest. They carefully watch the color and the flavor, keenly listening to the sounds of a variety of meats on the griller. The “kimo(” chicken liver)coated in the special house-tare(soy sauce based sweet and savory sauce)is exquisite. The secret recipe has been passed down from generation to generation.

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop | 鳥太郎 舟入店 Toritaro Funairiten |
address | 広島市中区舟入本町14-1 14-1 Funairihommachi, |
tel | 082-503-3689 |
open | 17:30~24:00(L.O.23:00) 日曜日17:30~23:00(L.O.22:00) Sun17:30~23:00(L.O.22:00) |
close | 不定休 / Irregular |