とんかつ かつまさ Tonkatsu Katsumasa

ミックスかつ膳 mixed cutlet set

うま味しっかり 熟成とんかつ


Aged tonkatsu with a strong umami flavor
Aged pork cutlets are the specialty of this restaurant. The pork is aged for a long time to give it sweetness and umami. The popular mixed cutlet set includes a loin cutlet, ume shiso wrapped cutlet, and fried shrimp.

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shopとんかつ かつまさ
Tonkatsu Katsumasa
address広島市南区皆実町2-8-17 2F
2F ,2-8-17 Minamimachi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima City
close無休 / Open 365 days

アクセス Access


  1. 味処かわの Ajidokoro Kawano

  2. フルーツカフェタマル 広島レモン店 Fruit Cafe TAMARU Hiroshima Lemon

  3. 鶴乃や本店 TsurunoyaHonten

  4. 旬菜旬魚 孝し Shunsaishungyo TAKASHI 

  5. ゆめタウン広島 youmetown Hiroshima

  6. 魚樽 Uotaru

  7. KaiRyu

  8. Bijewell parfait (ビジュエルパフェ)

  9. もつ焼 ゆ Motsuyaki Yu