お好み焼 三八 Okonomiyaki Sanpachi


Sweetness of a pile of cabbage is the key
Okonomiyaki restaurant loved by locals for a long
time. We persist in our ingredient-layering order;
fried steamed noodles, cabbage, and then pork on top of the thinly spread batter. The key is to steam a pile of cabbage for 10 minutes to bring out its sweetness.

The 広島土産
Souvenirs of Hiroshima

お好み焼き / Okonomiyaki

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shopお好み焼 三八 Okonomiyaki Sanpachi
address広島市南区東雲本町 2-9-26
2-9-26 Shinonomehommachi,
Minami-ku,Hiroshima City
open10:00 ~ 14:30 / 17:00 ~ 20:30
close月曜日(祝日の場合は営業、翌日休み) Mon(open on a national holiday, closed on Tuesday)

アクセス Access


  1. 味処かわの Ajidokoro Kawano

  2. 料理とワイン ホリデー食堂 Food&Wine Holiday Shokudo

  3. とんかつ かつまさ Tonkatsu Katsumasa

  4. 茶房つるや SaboTsuruya

  5. サンマルクカフェ SAINT MARC CAFE

  6. もつ焼 ゆ Motsuyaki Yu

  7. 魚樽 Uotaru

  8. 馬木てづくり工房おかちゃん Umakitezukurikobo Okachan

  9. 御食事処 みつぎ Oshokujidokoro Mitsugi