“Aka-uma”, thick flavor
The rich, thick flavor of spicy miso and aromatic vegetable oil spread in the mouth.
2000年の創業以来、広島のラーメンシーンを牽引する店。看板メニューの「赤うま」は、一昼夜かけて煮出した濃厚な本格豚骨スープに、 特製辛味噌と自家製香油をプラスした革新の一杯。自家製の細麺、多彩なトッピング、有田焼のオリジナル 丼など細部までこだわり、最後の一滴まで飽きさせない。
Traditional, but innovative Tonkotsu Ramen
Gaba has been leading Ramen business in Hiroshima since its opening in 2000. The signature menu is “Aka-uma”. Pork bones are simmered for a whole day & night to be authentic broth with specially made spicy miso and aromatic-vegetable oil. House-made thin noodles make magnificent Ramen with various toppings of your choice in a custom-made porcelain bowl. Such careful attention to what is served makes customers satisfied right down to the very last drop of the broth.

“Shiro-uma”, light flavor
The broth made by simmering pork head-bone is fermented at a low temperature. It is rich and exquisite in flavor.

“Chuka-soba”, Hiroshima’s legend Ramen
The broth from bones of pork and chicken, and aromatic vegetables is seasoned with soy sauce.
It is rich in flavor, but light and refreshing in taste. ※Available only at Hiroshima Chukasoba GABA, ekie

The 広島土産
Souvenirs of Hiroshima
赤うま / Akauma
白うま / Shirouma
店舗情報 Shop Infomation

アクセス Access
店舗情報 Shop Infomation

address: 広島市佐伯区五日市7-3-24
7-3-24 Itsukaichi, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima
Google MAP

address: 東広島市西条中央7-3-5
7-3-5 Saijochuo, Higashihiroshima
tel: 082-493-8777
Google MAP

AEON MALL Hiroshima Fuchu
address: 安芸郡府中町大須2-1-1-1081
2-1-1-1081,Fuchu-cho Osu, Aki-gun
tel: 082-561-0707
Google MAP

address: 広島市南区皆実町4-12-15
4-12-15 Minamimachi, Minami Ward, Hiroshima
tel: 082-250-3030
Google MAP

address: 呉市広古新開2-14-35
2-14-35,Iibata Building,Hirokoshingai,Kure
tel: 0823-76-3363
Google MAP

address: 広島県呉市広古新開2-14-35
2-14-35,Iibata Building,Hirokoshingai,Kure
tel: 082-846-6911
Google MAP

Hiroshima Sta. Kitaguchi
address: 広島市東区若草町11-2グランアークテラス2F
11-2 Wakakusa-cho, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima City Grand Ark Terrace 2F
tel: 082-568-5330
Google MAP

address: 広島市安佐南区伴東7-54-58
7-54-58 Tomohigashi, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima
tel: 082-846-6911
Google MAP

address: 広島市南区皆実町2丁目8-17 3F
2-8-17,3F, Minamimachi, Minami Ward,Hiroshima
tel: 082-236-7333
Google MAP

address: 広島市南区松原町1-2 ekie1F
1-2-ekie1F Matsubaracho, Minami Ward, Hiroshima
tel: 082-207-3611
Google MAP