うま味しっかり 熟成とんかつ
Aged tonkatsu with a strong umami flavor
Aged pork cutlets are the specialty of this restaurant. The pork is aged for a long time to give it sweetness and umami. The popular mixed cutlet set includes a loin cutlet, ume shiso wrapped cutlet, and fried shrimp.

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop | とんかつ かつまさ Tonkatsu Katsumasa |
address | 広島市南区皆実町2-8-17 2F 2F ,2-8-17 Minamimachi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima City |
tel | 082-207-2088 |
open | 11:00~21:00 |
close | 無休 / Open 365 days |