呉の高級寿司店が、高品質素材を気軽に楽しめる洋食店にリニューアル。「特製ねぎだれ牛刺し丼 」は、A5和牛が温かいご飯の上でとろけて、極上のうまみを発動。和牛すじをトロトロに煮込んだ欧風のカレーも最高!
Melty A5 Wagyu beef on a bowl of rice
A high-end sushi restaurant in Kure is renovated into a Western-style restaurant! You can casually enjoy great food from truly high-quality ingredients. Try premium buttery, melt-in- your- mouth texture of “Beef sashimi bowl on rice with special negi ( Welsh onion )sauce”. Try excellent European-style curry with tender wagyu tendon!

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