Fully enjoy Japanese hospitality
Enjoy colorful dishes that reflect each season of the year in a relaxing atmosphere. In addition to a kaiseki course meal, a stacked-box style lunch featuring a wide variety of beautiful and delicate dishes is popular. Private rooms are also available, perfect for various gatherings and family celebrations.

店舗情報 Shop Infomation

shop | 日本料理 鯉城 Japanese Restaurant Rijoh |
address | 広島市中区基町6−78 リーガロイヤルホテル広島 6F 6F,6-78 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City |
tel | 082-228-5401 |
lunch | 11:30~14:30(L.O.14:00) |
dinner | 17:30~21:00(L.O.20:00) |
close | 火曜日(祝日の場合は営業) Tue(open on national holidays) |
URL | HP |